



地址:河北省保定市竞秀区 风能街315号

What are the installation requirements for cable earthing protection boxes and direct grounding boxes?
1. One end of the shield is grounded directly, the other end is grounded through protective layer: when the length of the line is 500-700m or less, the shield layer can be grounded directly at one end (grounded at the end of the cable), and the other end is grounded through protective layer.
2. shielding neutral point grounding: when the line length is 1000----1400m, the neutral point grounding mode must be adopted. (1) In the middle position of the circuit, the shield is directly grounded, and the shield at both ends of the cable is grounded through the shield protector. The intermediate junction generally needs to install a through joint. (2) Install an insulated joint at the midpoint of the circuit. The insulated joint disconnects the cable shield, and the shielded ends are grounded through the protective layer protector respectively. The two cable terminals are shielded and grounded directly.
3.屏蔽层交叉互联电缆线路很长时(1000---1400m以上),可以采用屏蔽层交叉互联。这种方法是将线路分成长度相等的三小段或三的倍数段,蠕动泵 保定网站建设 保定网站制作 保定网络公司 保定办公家具 保定轻钢别墅 每小段之间装设绝缘接头,绝缘接头处三相屏蔽之间用同轴电缆,经交叉互联箱进行换位连接,交叉互联箱装有一组护层保护器,线路上每两组绝缘接头夹一组直通接头。
3. The shielding layer cross-linked cable line is very long (1000-1400m above), can use the shielding layer cross-linked. This method divides the line into three equal segments or three multiple segments. Insulating joints are installed between each segment. Coaxial cable is used between the three-phase shielding at the insulation joints, and transposed connection is carried out through the cross interconnection box. A set of protective layer protectors is installed in the cross interconnection bo


  1. 保定市伊诺尔电气设备有限公司
  2. 手机:15003226901
  3. 邮箱:enrdq@126.com
  4. 地址:河北省保定市竞秀区 风能街315号

版权 © 保定市伊诺尔电气设备有限公司 网址:http://jiedixiang.89ix.com  推荐:电缆接地箱,电缆保护接地箱,电缆直接接地箱

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